Thursday, 30 June 2011

Dogs admiring the sunset

This is a little gift I painted to wish Ornella a very happy, healthy, smiley, and especially comfy birthday, since, after over a week without access to it, her new redecorated bathroom should be ready today! And I hope this watercolour painting will match the lilac tiles and accessories!

Me in letters Part 3

And here is the last of the Alphabet series.


Siblings – 4 older sisters
Time I get up – it really depends, anywhen between 6.30 and 10, 11, 12
Underwear – nothing out of the ordinary
Vegetables I hate – I don’t hate vegetables! On the contrary! Well, let’s say courgettes on pizza
What makes me run late – sometimes waiting for a cake to finish cooking
X-rays – normal amount of x-rays, but more ultrasounds of late
Yummy dessert I make – (freshly picked) bramble charlotte
Zoo animals– all of them actually, especially the big fat ones

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

English Summer Camp

I'm doing a little experiment this summer: organizing a summer camp in English for children. I can't wait to see how it turns out.

I came up with this picture for the flyer.

Have a delightful summer!

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Me in letters, Part 2

And the Alphabet info goes on, continued from where I left it in yesterday's post.

Job - teaching
Kids – two on their way
Live – Isn't it funny to live in a high-heeled boot?!
Mother’s quirk – the way she waves is pretty hilarious
Nickname - Nina
Overnight hospital stay – just one week until now… in 3 or 4 months will have to go in for a nice reason though
Pet peeve – how can people still throw rubbish from their cars, leave their litter lying around, not separate their waste?
Quote from a film – A home for the bees, a hive for the buzzing bees! Can you see my eyes? If you can, then my hair’s too short! Down to here, down to there, down to where it stops by itself! Tu du du tu tu
Right or left-handed – boring old right-handed


Monday, 27 June 2011

Me in letters

A few of the blogs I regularly read have been sharing personal information in the form of the alphabet, and this inspired me to give an illustrated version of my A-Z.
Well, as it is, A-I to start with.

Age - old enough to have a good excuse to need a biiig cake to fit all the candles
Bed - no matter how big or small, I always end up squeezed against Chou
Cake - tarte au citron meringuée
Dog - one, a really special friend: Balthazar, a.k.a. Balthi, Balts, Baltiboy...
Edible delight - cherries, but  I've had my fair share this year, I don't mind it's the end of the season
Favourite colour - green, green, green, green, any shade of green
Gold or Silver - neither nor, although I do love earrings
Holidays - across all of Italy, across all of France, all the roads lead to BROCAS!
Instrument(s) I play - no musical ones anyway


Sunday, 26 June 2011

Fearful donkeys

    This quick sketchbook drawing illustrates my failed attempt at feeding carrots to these donkeys, after recently discovering they live nearby. Failed, because the poor things are so people-shy, all they would do when they felt I was watching them was try to hide behind their ramschackle hut or run to the furthest part of their messy field. Definitely a sad situation, but I couldn't help being amused when they trotted along in Indian file like this, and when they were joined by an equally scared goat! I left with a bittersweet feeling.

     Questo disegno veloce illustra il mio tentativo fallito di dare delle carote a questi asini che ho scoperto da poco vivono vicino a casa mia. Fallito perché erano così spaventati che non facevano altro che nascondersi dietro alla loro capanna malridotta o correre in fondo al campo trasandato, lontana da me che li osservavo. Anche se tutto ciò fa alquanto tristezza, erano simpatici quando trotterellavano in fila indiana, con una capra ugualmente timida al loro seguito.

     Ce dessin rapide tiré de mon carnet de croquis documente mon essai raté de donner des carottes à ces ânes que je viens de découvrir vivant tout près de chez moi.Un essai raté, parce qu’ils étaient tellement farouches qu’ils ne faisaient que se cacher derrière leur cabane ou se précipiter au fin fond de leur pré quand il se sentaient observés. Même si ça dénote une situation très triste, ils étaient drôles quand ils trottaient en file indienne comme je les ai dessinés, suivis par une chèvre, elle aussi effrayée. Ça m’a laissé une sensation douce-amère.